iBeacon Solutions for Events
iBeacon Target Market Messaging and Analytics
Invisage offers Beacon Solutions (alerting and event analytics) to event organisers. Beacons provide real-time floor traffic measurements using state-of-the-art technology that’s cost effective and enhances your exhibitors’ ROI. From the exhibit hall to education session rooms, our analytics provide attendee traffic reporting with heat maps, graphs, and charts.
PEM is the first software provider to ship iBeacon technology for alerting and analytics in the tradeshow industry and continues to be innovators in this field.
Sold before the Event, a small and portable analytic device will be placed in the exhibitor’s booth to determine:
Attendee counts by hour/day
Attendee presence by zone by day
Dwell times on Expo Floor by day
Attendee frequency (one-time, repeat, frequent) — know which attendees visited your booth multiple times!
iBeacon Target Market Messaging
This feature has been the most popular of our iBeacon solution offerings. It is easy to setup and requires little administration work. Exhibitors, Organisers and Venues can use this option alike. The mobile app will message users based on their profile or all, using the iBeacon located in the exhibitor’s booth, Organizer’s designated area or for the Venue it could be food areas. These messages can be text, audio, video, electronic coupons, etc. to invite the user into the designated area or give instructions.
Example for the Exhibitor: a message to invite the user into the booth for a free T-shirt or save 10% on the next order with a coupon. These messages can be targeted to certain users profiles such as users that buy their category of products.
Tours – there are two options for tours, an audio and a video tour. Exhibitors pay a sponsorship fee to be a part of the tour. An audio or video listing is placed for them in a separate “tours” icon that describes their service or product. A floor map is featured specifically for participating exhibitors and users to route from booth to booth. When a user gets close to the booth the iBeacon triggers the audio or video to play on their device. Audios and videos can be played as well without the iBeacon devices.