Make It Easy For Promoters, Agents, Agencies
& Venues To Find & Hire You!
Put your unique talent and portfolio of work, video clips, prior projects, & accomplishments directly in the hands of promoters agencies, directors, and hiring professionals with your own entertainer app. Allow them to quickly view, share & network 'you" with decision makers and other hiring managers or agencies directly from their Mobile devices. Add Photo slide shows or an intro video and let them see your personality! That's just for starters. Start marketing yourself today!

Download and View SAMPLE APP
Run Photo Contests
With Ratings
You can run contests, giveaways, polls & surveys to get you more exposure then ever.
Share Photos & Events
Highlight your special events, complete with photos, photo slideshow or video of your latest project or past events. You can also sell tickets of upcoming engagements or Fashion Show from your app!
We link your website, blog posts or site feeds into the app to seamlessly update your Fans with the latest news.
Social Networking
Go social with Facebook, Twitter. Pinetrest, Instagram, Foursquare and more. We provide integration and sharing.
QR Codes
Place your custom QR Code on your portfolo, prints, website, Facebook page or any promotional material and it will be Linked directly to your mobile app for greater exposure!
Simple Mobile Promoting
That Gets You Noticed!
Free Vanity Keyword
Get a FREE vanity Keyword to be used for the downloading of your app (Usualy your name).This will help to keep you top of mind.
Build Your Network List Automatically
A fast and easy way to build your client & fan list to help you network your talents. Simply by sharing your keyword with your agency and clients you will get you resume of experience out to the masses quiclky.
Portfolio & Slideshows
Stay in the spotlight with your portfolio images embeded in your app or linked from any photo account like Flickr, Picasa, and image RSS feeds.
Add your YouTube video and give your clients or agency a taste of who you are with a video introduction or latest project clip.
Single "Tap" To Call
Auditions & Call Backs are easy for anyone who has your App with one button "tap" to call, email, or text you immediately!
Quick Bookings
Booking form in your app so clients / Directors can hire you quickly
Appointment Scheduling & Reminders
Set up appointments on your calendar. Built in reminders can be sent automatically via text.
Push Notifications
Send out exclusive promotions to events you are working or last-minute schedule updates. Push notifications keep your Fans and clients informed and and you top of mind.
Learn who you're connecting with. We've got statistics for: usage, users, demographics and more.
Email Integration / Responders
Sync up with your favorite email campaign software. Mail Chimp, Aweber, Constant Contact, iContact, Get Responce, Infusion Soft.

Here's just a few things you can do with your Mobile App!
Build a customer list automatically
Sell your Products & Events through your app.
Run "Mobile Only" Coupons & Contest Promotions
Customers can Call, Email of Text you with a single "Tap"
Set Tasting & Tour appointments
Show your Facilities with Slidshows & Video
Customers can Join clubs
Book Events
And so much more!
Are You Agent or Agency? We Offer A Reseller Program!
Our mobile apps are also perfect for Agencies & Photographers whom want a bigger impact and get their clients noticed. You can now offer these apps directly. Click here for details
*Progressive App:
We will set-up your account, design using 1 of our award winning templates, personalize, and launch your Mobile app. Works on ALL Smart-phones. Starting from: $599.99 Design & Setup + $29.99 mo Business Promotions Suite See All Promo Suite Features
Mobile Native App:
We will set-up your account, design, customize, and launch your Mobile app App. App will be available at Google Play Store & Apple App Store. Starting at: $2999.99 Setup + $39.99 mo Promo Suite.
Also Available:
Mobile Native App Solutions: Ios or Android

Starting At $599.99*
& $29.99 mo
Promo Suite
Actors/ Entertainers Mobile Solutions

ADD VIP App Management-We Do It All For You

Don't have the time or desire to manage your mobile app and text marketing campaigns? We'll do it for you! Get the VIP package and we'll take care of management of your Mobile App & all of your text marketing campaigns. Simple pricing starting at: $35.00 mo. per app added to your package. Take the stress off and relax, we have you covered.
Customized To Your Needs
We’re pleased to offer you a free 15-20 minute product phone consultation or a 60 min ($85) mobile strategy brainstorming session specifically about your company’s needs and how our Mobile Apps, Mobile Business Cards, SMS Messaging and / or iBeacons can work for you. Of course, we will credit your account the $85 once we start building your solution - Click the Schedule A Consult Button to arrange your call.
No time to learn to build apps? No problem. No need to learn a program by trial and error, learn coding or be limited by features that are not often available on DIY app sites. We get to know you and your needs in detail to custom build apps perfect for your brand.We will build your app with the look, feel and functionality you desire quickly and affordably. We're experts at this.
Our design team is paramount at what they do. They use the very latest cutting edge tools in the industry to personalize your mobile presence to your needs.
From SMS messaging, promotional couponing to appointment scheduling, loyalty programs, text & email responders, contests, polls, & QR codes we have it all.