Amazing Features
We create a highly entertaining Mobile Santa Photo App for you and deliver it directly to you customers mobile device. Customizsed with the family photos you took during their photo session, and loaded with Santa's favorite fun features. You can even call, text and track Santa as he delivers gifts around the globe!
Photo Slideshow
Add your Santa photos with the kids, pets & holiday family portraits and we'll create a slideshow of your images featured at the top of your very own Santa App!
Responsive Design
No need to worry about different screen sizes. Our platform configures to multiple screen sizes. Weather your app is viewed on a Computer, Laptop, Pad, or mobile phone.
One Click Call Santa
That's right, call Santa's Hotline and even leave your list on his voice mail with a single click of a button.
One Click Text Chat
You can also Text chat with Santa and ask him questions about living in the North Pole, his reindeer and his elven friends.
Track Santa
Track Santa on Christmas Eve as he flies his sleigh from country to country, state to state! Courtesy of NORAD
Learn Mrs. Claus's Favorite Cookie Recipes
From Pumpkin to Chocolate Chip (Santa's Favorite too). Delicious treats you can bake with your parent or grandparent filling you stomach and heart with joy!
Send Your Santa App to All Your Friends & Family
Better than a greeting card and more interactive too! Once your App is ready we will send you a link so you can download your amazing Santa App! You can also share your Santa app from your phone with a couple clicks.
Watch Santa Read "Twas The Night Before Christmas"
We've included a special video of Santa Claus reading what has become a favorite tradition for families far and wide.
Share Santa's Favorite Jokes
40 in all kid friendly jokes! Great to put the HO Ho Ho into your celebration!
Take Santa's Quiz
Kids will love this game of questions and may even learn a new thing about Santa Claus
Read Santa's Favorite Stories
Kids will love these stories.
Text: SantaSample
To: 40691

Happy Holidays Style 1 (Red)
Here's just a few things you can do with your Mobile App!
Build a customer list automatically
Sell your Products & Events through your app.
Run "Mobile Only" Coupons & Contest Promotions
Customers can Call, Email of Text you with a single "Tap"
Set Tasting & Tour appointments
Show your Facilities with Slidshows & Video
Customers can Join clubs
Book Events
And so much more!

Merry Christmas Style 2 (Green)
Works On Any Smart Device:
iOS, Android, Windows, Google & Web
One platform, All devices. Simple. Mobile apps for any device with our mobile app development platform:
Customized mobile restaurant apps for any iOS, Android, or Windows-based device.
Feature-rich web apps that work consistently across all HTML 4 / 5 compliant browsers (IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and all mobile variants)
A single app that looks, feels, and operates consistently across all devices. Go ahead and try it!
Text: SantaSample2
To: 40691
Re-Sellers Sign Up
One Time Design & Set-Up Fee (Seasonal) $199.99
Per App Fee is $25 (You charge what you want)
Protected Limited Territories
Online Order Form to upload Family / Santa image(s)
We Build Everything For You
Customers receive their custom Santa App within 72 hours