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Why A Personal Fitness Trainer/ Gym Needs Their Own Mobile App


If you're a personal trainer with a slew of clients under your proverbial weight-lifting belt, you're probably starting to feel the pressure of keeping those clients engaged. From workout plans to payments, meal tracking to appointments, balancing your tasks can soon feel heavier than your 262 lb bench presses (sorry personal agenda). If you're a personal trainer feeling weighed down by all the things you need to do as a business owner, a personal trainer app might be just the adrenalin that you need in order to fuel your personal training empire.

What does a personal trainer app do?

Personal trainer apps can help independent or gym-based trainers bring in new clients, manage your current clients and reward them when goals are achieved with your own Loyalty/Rewards card program. They're made to help with client acquisition and promotional side of a personal trainer's job, with functions that include:

  • Scheduling clients with auto text responders to confirm appointments

  • Send new product / service announcements with Push Notifications directly to your clients phones

  • Tracking client engagement to give tailored recommendations

  • Nutritional and exercise plans

  • A payment portal where clients can pay for their sessions

  • eCommerce gateway to sell your branded apparel and supliments

The idea is to streamline processes so you have more time to do what you do best....Train!

Personal Trainer, Gym owner or Coach? Get your own mobile app quickly (usually within 72 hours). We're here to help!

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