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Making A Mobile Portfolio Business Card To Showcase Your Work

DJ Thomas

A Mobile Portfolio Card (MPC) can help give you an edge over the vast amount of competition you face daily, whether you’re a seasoned pro or you're just starting out.

In 2016 there is a new business economy. An economy where time is short for everyone, competition is keener than ever and clients want the easiest options available… In today's highly competitive climate, any business that wants to expand has to evolve using new innovative and effective marketing strategies and Mobile Business Cards is one of those technologies everyone should have. -FORBES BUSINESS REPORTS

It takes a little time and thought to put together your mobile portfolio card but it can pay out multiple times by getting you noticed much quicker than the traditional ways.

Only your best work should be considered for inclusion and then arranged according to specific categories or themes. So in order to have a structured presentation while displaying your work, make sure you have separate sections for black and white photography, swimwear, portraits, or any other theme or category that can be clearly identified for what it is. Once you have this organized it will be easy to create your own Mobile Portfolio Card.

What exactly is this Mobile Modeling Portfolio we're talking about? Simply put your very own Mobile Modeling App!

Imagine, having all your contact information, bio, photos, videos, previous projects & more residing on your phone and you can share it all at any given time with agents, hiring managers & casting directors.

Now imagine your agent, casting director and the lot, have your Mobile Modeling Portfolio App on their phone and with a single tap of a button they can Call, Email, Text, and BOOK you as well as share your photos, videos and accomplishments to their network of clients looking to hire your gorgeous face! This is all done in less time than it takes to get your coffee order.

It just makes good sense. Look around, most everyone is on their mobile phone. We rely on and keep them close 24/7. So does your Agent or Casting Director! So why wouldn't you utilize the same convenient most accessible technology available to promote your talents?

I happen to know a guy, who knows a girl that swears by her Mobile Modeling App. She says it's taken her from getting booked once or twice a month to filling her calendar months in advance. That's pretty awesome!

Another very cool thing is her card is always fresh. Anytime photos, videos or content is added or changed, all the cards that have been previously shared and are residing on everybody’s phone, automatically get updated with the new information!

Where can you get a Mobile Portfolio Business Card of your own? Here's a plug for who she uses:


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