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Platinum Edge Media Staff

5 Reasons Why You Need SMS Marketing For Your Business

In today’s day and age, there are many different ways to attract the attention of your customer base. Through hundreds of different outlets, any business is capable of gaining awareness amongst their clientele. It’s as easy as a simple click of a button and -just like that- your advertisement is running, your photo is posted, and your blog is up.

The thing is, with all of these options comes a very important question. Are these new marketing tools truly effective for the field you are in?

Digital marketing is essential to utilize for any business to thrive in within today’s world, but which tool gains the most turnaround for your business in the long run? Which one is the most successful and cost effective?

The answer is simple: Short Message Service (SMS) is definitely the way to go. Here are 5 reasons why you need SMS marketing for your business.

1. It’s Easy

With the highly complicated technology that exists in our world today, most people become confused or lost.

Something like “tag this post” or “follow this user” seems too tedious to most people which then leads to them becoming lost in the shuffle of it all.

The simplicity of receiving a text message directly to their phone ensures a more successful ad campaign in the long run.

2. It’s Effective

In terms of success, the rates for text message marketing trump all other forms of marketing for many reasons.

The message or advertisement being sent out by any business is seen, read, and understood almost instantaneously right in the palm of each consumer’s hands.

Text messages don't go by unnoticed as much as emails or social media posts do. SMS messages are more direct.

3. It’s Fast

The engagement that occurs between a business and a possible costumer in the realm of SMS marketing is far more successful than other marketing tools due to its immediate nature altogether.

Potential customers are more inclined to read the entire message being sent out to them because they are significantly shorter than emails or other forms of advertisements.

Not only is it a fast process on the end of the consumers, but for the business owners as well.

For a business owner who doesn’t have a lot of time to spare, sending out a short and simple SMS campaign is a far quicker process than any other forms of marketing.

4. It’s a Two Way Street

In most other forms of marketing, the audiences are typically bombarded with messages that they did not agree to receive in the first place. This can lead to an unsuccessful ad campaign in the long run. An email list is blasted to thousands of potential clients, only to be read by a few who will, most likely, forget they ever received it.

With SMS marketing, you don’t need to worry about that because it works on an opt-in basis.This means that the consumers who are receiving the text message campaigns actually consented to receiving them in the first place.

Overall, this means you won’t waste time or money bothering people who just aren't interested in your product or brand.

5. It’s Inexpensive

In terms of lead generation for your brand or business, SMS marketing is the most cost-effective way to go. With prices set as low as one penny per text message, you are capable of controlling the entire campaign on your own personal budget.

With SMS marketing, you can generate genuinely good leads as well as boost your overall customer retention without wasting countless amounts of hours on social media or huge amounts of money on advertising.

If you would like to learn more about our comprehensive platform, get in touch with us by filling out a form on our contact us page.
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