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Advantages Of Having A Mobile Business Card-Hint... More Business

Interactive Features Paper Cards Just Can't Provide

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In today’s ever-challenging marketplace, business owners & sales reps must be on the alert for new opportunities 24/7 to maintain a competitive advantage over other top companies in their same category. But to do so successfully, you need the latest cutting edge technology, a stellar promotions strategy and constant access to those allusive clients while on the go.

My Mobile Business Cards tm has just that! The very latest in mobile innovation that takes your plain ol boring paper business card (most still currently use) and turns it into an interactive Mobile Smartphone App, setting you light years ahead of your competitors.

The strategy is simple but extremely effective. Simply by standing out from the crowd with your own mobile business card, your contact information & companies products and services are delivered directly in the hands (rather, smartphones) of your customers via your personalized keyword (included free with your MBC).

Not only will your MBC reside of your customers phone for easy contact retrieval, your MBC will build a client list automatically to promote to at a later time via SMS push marketing! Each promo can be quickly be viewed and shared with your customers friends & family. That's just for starters,,, Learn More by clicking here

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